Monday, May 12, 2014

Thing #14--Videos

I was a little nervous about this thing.  I've never shot any video before, so not only was the app new, I had to try something totally new with the app.  But I worried for nothing.  I found it rather easy.

I tried out Vine for this thing.  Vine is a video app connected to Twitter where instead of sharing brief text, you share a 6 second video.  6 seconds doesn't sound like enough time to share anything, but you can show a surprising amount of information in 6 seconds.  Or totally waste it, as it appeared from some of the videos I watched.  However you want to use that time. 

Shooting the video for Vine is a little different from doing it directly from your phone.  Instead of just hitting the record button, you must hold your finger on the screen to film.  When you remove your finger you stop filming.  In this way you can make stop motion films or a single 6 second shot. 

So far I have only made one Vine.  I might do more.  Checking in on Vine I have found to be rather annoying.  When you're on the home screen or just searching through other Vines, the videos play automatically.  Which wouldn't be so bad if some of them didn't have sound.   I wish there was a way to disable that feature.

I'm not sure how often I'll use Vine, either in my personal life or for work.  I think I'd use it more for work since I don't think I know anyone else who has Vine.  On that note though, it's not easy to share Vine on other social media.  Twitter would work great, but I don't use that.  I can share the link on Facebook, but not everyone can view it.  On some computers it takes you right to the video, but on others the link takes you to the Vine sign on page.

Art Wall for April  Follow the link to see my first Vine.  Like I said above, I don't know if it will work.  But you can give it a try.


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